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Are you ready to change lives in our New Worshiping Communities?

Get Involved Today!

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Does your congregation, Sunday School, Youth group, or family want to get involved with a local New Worshiping Community?

Here are a few ways you can be a part of God’s creative vision with New Worshiping Communities:

  • Email us at to invite an NCDC representative to speak with your congregation, session, committee, or small group via Zoom.

  • Continue having conversations about NCDC and the communities we serve.

  • Share links, posts, and your own stories about what NCDC means to you.

  • Sign up for NCDC newsletters at

  • Connect with NCDC online @NCDCatlanta (buttons below).

  • Contribute to NCDC financially (as able). When you do, you are supporting not one, but all of the communities that we serve. You can always give by visiting our website or sending checks to the address below.